
(RE)Mission Workshops


Session 1     Session 2     Session 3     Session 4

Workshop Session 1
March 31 / 11:30am-12:20pm

In Person + Stream Live for Digital Pass Holders

The Secret to Ministry Leadership Today: Be Ready for Anything with Contextual Intelligence – Michael Beck and Leonard Sweet – The Commons & Streaming Live Online 

What is the difference between great leaders of movements, and managers whose efforts only fed the status quo? More often than not, it is contextual intelligence, or as Scripture calls it, the ability to “read the signs of the times.” The good news is, Contextual Intelligence is a skill that you can learn. This workshop will help you develop the ability to recognize the underlying needs of your context, and adapt your leadership to fit.

Now is the Time to Change: Growing Adaptive Capacity within Your Congregation – Tod Bolsinger – The Sanctuary & Streaming Live Online

In Canoeing the Mountains, Tod Bolsinger made the case for adaptive change in ministry as the Church navigates a changing cultural landscape. In helping leaders implement adaptive change, he has identified several common struggles, opportunities, and sticking points. Learn what those common issues are, and how you can find support to move toward church transformation and mission experimentation.

Church @ Table: Simple Steps to Starting a Dinner Church – Verlon Fosner and Heather Evans -The Crossing & Streaming Live Online

An oft overlooked piece of the gospel narrative is how much time Jesus spent at tables with the “never-been-reached” crowd. In this era where we’ve become ineffective at reaching the “not-yets” it does us well to revisit the historic Jesus table, and relearn the divine invite scheduled to occur there.

In Person ONLY

Church @ Work: Mission To (and Through) the Marketplace – Steven Barr and Jay Moon – ROOM 206

Is it possible that Jesus is looking to release a mission where you work? In this session you will learn specific and applicable principles and examples of multiple approaches to mission in the marketplace, including a church that began as a mission to Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL and has now expanded to making disciples on six continents.

Church @ Home: How Families and Friends Can Form Church Communities – Gannon and Carey Sims – ROOM 302-306

Home is the ‘first’ place. If our first place is in order it helps bring order to all of the other places in our life. But how do we get there? By getting socially fit. In this session, we’ll discover how talking small steps to develop predictable patterns in our home and family life (the Imago Dei) is vital for the Mission of God (the Missio Dei) in our neighborhoods and communities.

Healing Church: How Faith Communities Can Bring Hope and Wholeness to our Hurting Communities – J.R. Briggs – ROOM 342-344

Pain and suffering have always been a part of the human experience. The political, financial, racial, and cultural uncertainty and complexity in the past 2+ years have made it clear, now more than ever, we need healers. The world is wondering, “What are we to do with our wounds and where do we go for help?” The time for healing is now – and the Church has an unbelievably significant opportunity in this season to be the ones who bring healing to a hurting world. The time for healing is now. Will we join with Jesus in offering that healing? This workshop will explore the practical ways we can orient our churches and ministries as a bringer and bearer of good news through the healing work of Christ.

Digital Discipleship and Hybrid Community: Ministry and Mission When Everything is Online – Luke Edwards and Chris Morton – ROOM – 308-310

Attention and presence are the key ingredients to discipleship and community. They are also two very hot commodities in our hyperconnected world. This workshop will help you develop a clearer understanding of how our digital context affects our ministry, and how we can thrive within it.

Innovation for Anyone: How Normal Leaders and Churches Can Become More Creative and Out-of-the-Box – Mitch Marcello – ROOM 208

One of the lessons from the pandemic is that we need to learn how to embody creativity and innovation inside the Church. For many, achieving this can be elusive, but thankfully there are ways to embrace a system of creativity in our lives and in our churches. During this workshop, you will learn about the i2 process and how it can be applied to your ministry context. An expansion of ‘Design Thinking’, a creative process used by some of the world’s most innovative companies, the i2 process is rooted in theology and in Scripture to give ministry teams a concrete method for problem-solving and innovation. You will also be equipped with a variety of tools to help you and your teams to start exploring what it looks like to approach the complexity of today’s world with creativity and confidence.

From Local Church to Local Movement: How Established Churches Go from One Expression to Many – Heather Jallad and Jim Pace – ROOM 346-350

Is God giving you a vision for multiple fresh expressions of church for your congregation? Heather and Jim have both led congregations through the process of dreaming, strategizing, equipping and releasing teams for multiple expressions. They will be sharing advice and stories learned from experiences of both success and failures in their contexts.

Hyperlocal Church: Being For, With and In Your Neighborhood – David Fitch and Kris Beckert – ROOM – 343-345

God is already at work in your neighborhood, community, or city. There are glimpses of the Kingdom already taking place before anyone from your church gets there; the key is having the eyes to see them. In this workshop, we will talk about practicing dwelling in your community with eyes and ears for what God has already started and what it means to partner with God in Kingdom efforts.

Online ONLY

The Disciple-Making Church: Developing a System that Sends Your Members on Mission – Matt Lake

It’s no secret that it was challenging to make disciples before the pandemic began. However, this discipleship focus has become exponentially harder since the pandemic began. Join us in this workshop as we discover what elements of discipleship are needed in our current pandemic environment, how they can be applied, and reclaim why discipleship is as important as ever. We will walk through “what is working” and “what is not” at a practical level when it comes to discipleship, along with providing some take-away concepts to implement that a church of any size can benefit from.

Art of the Start: Moving Pioneers from Dream to Discernment to Action – Dave Male

Fresh expressions of church can often fall prey to one of two problems: starting too soon or never starting at all. Dave has started new forms of church, and coached others to do the same. This workshop will give you the clarity of purpose and actionable steps to get started

Workshop Session 2 – March 31 / 3:05pm-3:55pm

In Person + Stream Live for Digital Pass Holders

Apologetics in the Way of Jesus – Leonard Sweet – The Commons & Streaming Live Online

How do you share the reasons that underlie why you believe what you believe? Often this gets relegated to a kind of “apologetics” that are adversarial or informational. In this workshop you will learn how to look for natural opportunities to discuss your faith and what to do when they arrive. Is the ultimate apologetics one of aesthetics? What is nudge evangelism? The 4 “R’s” of Jesus Apologetics in a MAAMA World (Meta, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple) will be introduced and explored: radiance, rapture, resilience (adaptability), resonance

Stay in the Game: How to Pioneer & Pastor Without Burnout – Dave Male and Jon Hand – The Sanctuary & Streaming Live Online

Why do some pastors and pioneers keep going when things get tough? Why do some not just start one fresh expression of church, but do it again and again? How do some pastors stay faithful and full for the long haul? Long term leaders don’t have superpowers, but they do have specific postures and practices that help them stay in the game. Learn how to pastor and pioneer for the long haul from two leaders who have been at it for years.

Questionable Leadership: How to Help Leaders and Ministries Change Without Telling them What to Do – J.R. Briggs – The Crossings & Streaming Live Online

When you look at the gospels, Jesus’ teaching is often framed in the form of questions. Starting with questions instead of a didactic transfer of information opens up new possibilities in discipleship. In this workshop, you’ll learn what makes for a great question, why they are a key component in seeing your ministry develop, as well as specific and ridiculously practical ways to grow in your question-asking ability.

In Person ONLY

5 Love Languages of Congregations: Why Different Congregations Need Different Paths to Renewal – Michael Beck – ROOM 302-306

Every church has a love language, a way they relate to each other, the larger community, and pastor(s). Understanding this triangle of relationships is imperative in the work of remissioning. A minister can waste a great deal of time and energy expending effort that is not received as love by the congregation. In this workshop we will explore how teams of leaders can learn their congregation’s love language and utilize this to be more faithful and fruitful on a new missional frontier.

Now is the Time to Change: Growing Adaptive Capacity within Your Congregation – Tod Bolsinger – ROOM 346-350

In Canoeing the Mountains, Tod Bolsinger made the case for adaptive change in ministry as the Church navigates a changing cultural landscape. In helping leaders implement adaptive change, he has identified several common struggles, opportunities, and sticking points. Learn what those common issues are, and how you can find support to move toward church transformation and mission experimentation.

Digital Discipleship and Hybrid Community: Ministry and Mission When Everything is Online – Luke Edwards and Chris Morton – ROOM 308-310

Attention and presence are the key ingredients to discipleship and community. They are also two very hot commodities in our hyperconnected world. This workshop will help you develop a clearer understanding of how our digital context affects our ministry, and how we can thrive within it.

Exploring Faith with Seekers and Skeptics – Steven Barr, Kris Beckert and David Fitch – ROOM 343-345

It’s no surprise to most ministry leaders that the majority of people in North America are moving further away from church settings and are increasingly more skeptical, and in some cases, even unaware of the basic beliefs of Christianity. Yet, we also know that simultaneously there is a greater degree of openness to spiritual conversation and the person of Jesus remains highly attractive to most people. In this environment, how do we cultivate the skills and postures to have genuine faith exploration with people who have little to know understanding of the Christian story? This workshop will share some best practices and on-the-ground-tested experiences of people who have been working hard to help the good news of Jesus be accessible and understandable to everyday people.

A Trowel and A Sword: Breakthrough Prayer on the Frontlines of Mission – Verlon Fosner, Jon Davis and Cheryl McCarthy – ROOM 342-344

Churches and Christians have a knowledge of prayer; we intercede, make petitions and in our despair cry out to God in our need. There is another type of prayer the church needs to practice and possibly learn or re-learn and that is the prayer that fuels the mission of the church into the world. A prayer that builds up and is ready, willing and able to do battle in spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness. In these days of conflict, strife, dissension and division, we need people of prayer who will penetrate the darkness of this world armed with the light of Christ. Come learn, and experience this type of Breakthrough Prayer.

Dinner Church Basics: Organizational Tools to Get Started – Isaac Olivarez and Heather Evans – ROOM 206

Dinner Church is a simple concept yet there are a lot of moving pieces. It requires organizing a team with hospitality in mind. Hospitality is a spiritual gift we must cultivate intentionality in a dinner church setting moving it from simply serving food to being a family table with mission and ministry at the core. Come and see how to introduce these values, concepts and practical tools that will keep your dinner church organized while remaining focused on the mission.

Church @ Play: How Hobbies and Friendships Create Fertile Ground for New Forms of Church – Mitch Marcello and Marcus Corey – ROOM 208

What image comes to mind when you hear the word “play”? Board games? A swing set? What if it’s deeper than that? We believe play is a way to connect with our being by doing. Through this connection, we have the opportunity to build relationships, form new communities, and experience God in ways we may not have thought of before. Whether it’s dirt biking, cooking a meal, using a microscope, or something else you have a passion for, play opens doors to build relationships and asks how our faith could interact with this part of our being. During this workshop, we’ll share stories of church @ play, offer practical strategies of how to start on this journey, and talk about the importance play has in our walks with Christ.

Online ONLY

Cinema Divina: How to Lead Scripture Study for Skeptics – Matt Canlis

When covid closed the church’s doors, backyard bible studies began gathering unlikely people to visualize God’s word. Soon the neighbors were in for a pleasant surprise, as young and old laughed their way into John’s Gospel, pretending to be film directors. Hear the short story of how one church was turned inside out to let outsiders in, and let Matt guide you through a Godspeed bible study that invites both believers and skeptics to see the Scriptures, meet Jesus, and learn to love their neighbors.

Church @ Home: How Families and Friends Can Form Church Communities – Gannon and Carey Sims

Home is the ‘first’ place. If our first place is in order it helps bring order to all of the other places in our life. But how do we get there? By getting socially fit. In this session, we’ll discover how talking small steps to develop predictable patterns in our home and family life (the Imago Dei) is vital for the Mission of God (the Missio Dei) in our neighborhoods and communities.

Workshop Session 3 – March 31 / 4:10pm-5:00pm

In Person + Stream Live for Digital Pass Holders

Both/And: How Normal Churches Can Embrace Online and In-Person Worship at the Same Time – Jason Moore – The Commons & Streaming Live Online

The onset of the global pandemic changed so much of what we’ve known ministry to be inside and outside the church. Social distancing, and non-physical gatherings brought new challenges where connection and relationship building are concerned. With so much ministry happening BOTH in the building AND online, how can we earn the second, third, and ongoing visits from those who are new to our faith communities? New strategies are required for living into what it means to be a hospitable church. In a season where everything feels different, how can we claim or reclaim a passion for radical hospitality, making great first impressions and work toward being poised for guests before they arrive?

Healing Church: How Faith Communities Can Bring Hope and Wholeness to our Hurting Communities – J.R. Briggs – The Sanctuary & Streaming Live Online

Pain and suffering have always been a part of the human experience. The political, financial, racial, and cultural uncertainty and complexity in the past 2+ years have made it clear, now more than ever, we need healers. The world is wondering, “What are we to do with our wounds and where do we go for help?” The time for healing is now – and the Church has an unbelievably significant opportunity in this season to be the ones who bring healing to a hurting world. The time for healing is now. Will we join with Jesus in offering that healing? This workshop will explore the practical ways we can orient our churches and ministries as a bringer and bearer of good news through the healing work of Christ.

Telling Jesus Stories: How to Talk About Jesus with People Who Don’t Go to Church – Verlon Fosner and Kris Beckert – The Crossings & Streaming Live Online

Studies show that the majority of the US population hold to a secular worldview. This means many common practices of the church, including sermons, no longer connect with people. Jesus spent much of his ministry telling stories and the early church told stories about Jesus. In this workshop you’ll learn how to tell Jesus stories that connect with secular people and practicing Christians alike.

In Person ONLY

Church @ Work: Mission To (and Through) the Marketplace – Steven Barr and Jay Moon – ROOM 206

Is it possible that Jesus is looking to release a mission where you work? In this session you will learn specific and applicable principles and examples of multiple approaches to mission in the marketplace, including a church that began as a mission to Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL and has now expanded to making disciples on six continents.

Church @ Rural: Understanding the Needs and Opportunities for Rural North America – Luke Edwards – ROOM 302-306

Rural communities are more de-churched than we realize. Fresh expressions are emerging in rural areas but the process looks a little different than in suburban and urban places. In this workshop we’ll explore the unique characteristics of rural fresh expressions and the types of fresh expressions that are multiplying in this context.

Church @ Play: How Hobbies and Friendships Create Fertile Ground for New Forms of Church – Mitch Marcello and Marcus Corey – ROOM 208

What image comes to mind when you hear the word “play”? Board games? A swing set? What if it’s deeper than that? We believe play is a way to connect with our being by doing. Through this connection, we have the opportunity to build relationships, form new communities, and experience God in ways we may not have thought of before. Whether it’s dirt biking, cooking a meal, using a microscope, or something else you have a passion for, play opens doors to build relationships and asks how our faith could interact with this part of our being. During this workshop, we’ll share stories of church @ play, offer practical strategies of how to start on this journey, and talk about the importance play has in our walks with Christ.

The Disciple-Making Church: Developing a System that Sends Your Members on Mission – Matt Lake – ROOM 308-310

It’s no secret that it was challenging to make disciples before the pandemic began. However, this discipleship focus has become exponentially harder since the pandemic began. Join us in this workshop as we discover what elements of discipleship are needed in our current pandemic environment, how they can be applied, and reclaim why discipleship is as important as ever. We will walk through “what is working” and “what is not” at a practical level when it comes to discipleship, along with providing some take-away concepts to implement that a church of any size can benefit from.

Stay in the Game: How to Pioneer & Pastor Without Burnout – Dave Male and Jon Hand – ROOM 346-350

Why do some pastors and pioneers keep going when things get tough? Why do some not just start one fresh expression of church, but do it again and again? How do some pastors stay faithful and full for the long haul? Long term leaders don’t have superpowers, but they do have specific postures and practices that help them stay in the game. Learn how to pastor and pioneer for the long haul from two leaders who have been at it for years.

Facing Resistance with Resilience: Overcoming Opposition When Leading Ministry in a New Direction – Tod Bolsinger – 342-344

Many church leaders have spent much of the pandemic feeling the heat of their congregations, meeting sometimes unexpected resistance in the midst of unrelenting change. Leadership burnout is at an all time high, but there are ways to navigate the mission of God before us with perseverance and resilience. In this session, we will explore how to navigate the two threats to resilient leadership, the failure of nerve and the failure of heart, and how to face the challenges before us with tenacity, wisdom, and purpose.

The Secret to Ministry Leadership Today: Be Ready for Anything with Contextual Intelligence – Michael Beck and Leonard Sweet – 343-345

What is the difference between great leaders of movements, and managers whose efforts only fed the status quo? More often than not, it is contextual intelligence, or as Scripture calls it, the ability to “read the signs of the times.” The good news is, Contextual Intelligence is a skill that you can learn. This workshop will help you develop the ability to recognize the underlying needs of your context, and adapt your leadership to fit.

Online ONLY

(Re)charging: Strategies to energize and fuel pioneers for the mission field – Shannon Kiser and Heather Jallad

In this workshop, you will encounter learnings from the field about how congregations are inspiring the everyday people of God into pioneering mission. You will discover how leaders are identifying, equipping, and supporting fresh expression pioneers. You will hear concrete ways to gather pioneers for ongoing connection and support, and how critical this is for the flourishing of the mission. If you are a permission giver or a supporter who is committed to releasing the ministry of all believers in your setting, you have the opportunity to create a culture of strong support for your pioneer leaders…will you be intentional about doing so?

Re-Jesus: What it will take to be a church that looks, acts, sounds, and thinks like Jesus – Alan Hirsch/ Cheryl McCarthy / Dan White, Jr. / Mandy Smith

This will be a broad ranging conversation about the absolutely critical role that Jesus has for the people that claim his name. Here Alan Hirsch, Cheryl McCarthy, Dan White, Jr. and Mandy Smith will explore the idea of recalibrating the church to the person of Jesus. We will explore the ideas in Alan’s latest book ReJesus and we will also seek guidance from the teachings of seminal theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar who had much to say on the topic of Christocentric discipleship. Balthasar warned us that: “Every Christian plan of the future will, and must, be valueless if it does not remain oriented toward Christ. For Christ is not a ‘program’ that can be surveyed or drawn off and bottled and simply taken with one on a ‘future operation.’ Only in the openness of contemplation and listening prayer is there revealed to us ever anew what Christ, in whom we have our origin, means and wants. Every action that is not rooted in contemplation is doomed to sterility from the start….In the life of the disciple the momentum of Jesus expresses itself as the call to unconditional discipleship. The four gospels set the pattern for this in their many call narratives: if anyone wants to be involved with Jesus, or if Jesus takes the initiative to involve himself with anyone, this means for the disciple a choice of all or nothing. Discipleship is an indivisible adherence which demands the whole existence, and is marked with the brand of his ownership not only in one place, but in all places.” In this time of grumpy and dangerously ideological religion, it’s high time to ReJesus the church.

Workshop Session 4 – April 1 / 9:55am-10:45am

In Person + Stream Live for Digital Pass Holders

Facing Resistance with Resilience: Overcoming Opposition When Leading Ministry in a New Direction – Tod Bolsinger – The Commons & Streaming Live Online

Many church leaders have spent much of the pandemic feeling the heat of their congregations, meeting sometimes unexpected resistance in the midst of unrelenting change. Leadership burnout is at an all time high, but there are ways to navigate the mission of God before us with perseverance and resilience. In this session, we will explore how to navigate the two threats to resilient leadership, the failure of nerve and the failure of heart, and how to face the challenges before us with tenacity, wisdom, and purpose.

5 Love Languages of Congregations: Why Different Congregations Need Different Paths to Renewal – Michael Beck – The Sanctuary & Streaming Live Online

Every church has a love language, a way they relate to each other, the larger community, and pastor(s). Understanding this triangle of relationships is imperative in the work of remissioning. A minister can waste a great deal of time and energy expending effort that is not received as love by the congregation. In this workshop we will explore how teams of leaders can learn their congregation’s love language and utilize this to be more faithful and fruitful on a new missional frontier.

Beyond Hearing God: How to Listen and Discern Your Next Step on Mission – Carey Sims and Brandon Kelly – The Crosssings & Streaming Live Online

Even though we know that God is always communicating, and while we desire to hear God’s voice, we often doubt or dismiss how God speaks. And with so many demands and distractions day to day, it can be difficult to slow down and to listen. In this session we will explore how God speaks and practice listening together for God’s revelation and direction as we re-mission.

In Person ONLY

Innovation for Anyone: How Normal Leaders and Churches Can Become More Creative and Out-of-the-Box – Mitch Marcello – ROOM 208

One of the lessons from the pandemic is that we need to learn how to embody creativity and innovation inside the Church. For many, achieving this can be elusive, but thankfully there are ways to embrace a system of creativity in our lives and in our churches. During this workshop, you will learn about the i2 process and how it can be applied to your ministry context. An expansion of ‘Design Thinking’, a creative process used by some of the world’s most innovative companies, the i2 process is rooted in theology and in Scripture to give ministry teams a concrete method for problem-solving and innovation. You will also be equipped with a variety of tools to help you and your teams to start exploring what it looks like to approach the complexity of today’s world with creativity and confidence.

(Re)charging: Strategies to energize and fuel pioneers for the mission field – Shannon Kiser and Heather Jallad – ROOM -342-344

In this workshop, you will encounter learnings from the field about how congregations are inspiring the everyday people of God into pioneering mission. You will discover how leaders are identifying, equipping, and supporting fresh expression pioneers. You will hear concrete ways to gather pioneers for ongoing connection and support, and how critical this is for the flourishing of the mission. If you are a permission giver or a supporter who is committed to releasing the ministry of all believers in your setting, you have the opportunity to create a culture of strong support for your pioneer leaders…will you be intentional about doing so?

A Trowel and A Sword: Breakthrough Prayer on the Frontlines of Mission – Verlon Fosner, Jon Davis and Cheryl McCarthy – ROOM 346-350

Churches and Christians have a knowledge of prayer; we intercede, make petitions and in our despair cry out to God in our need. There is another type of prayer the church needs to practice and possibly learn or re-learn and that is the prayer that fuels the mission of the church into the world. A prayer that builds up and is ready, willing and able to do battle in spiritual warfare against the forces of darkness. In these days of conflict, strife, dissension and division, we need people of prayer who will penetrate the darkness of this world armed with the light of Christ. Come learn, and experience this type of Breakthrough Prayer.

Church @ Home: How Families and Friends Can Form Church Communities – Gannon Sims – ROOM 343-345

Home is the ‘first’ place. If our first place is in order it helps bring order to all of the other places in our life. But how do we get there? By getting socially fit. In this session, we’ll discover how talking small steps to develop predictable patterns in our home and family life (the Imago Dei) is vital for the Mission of God (the Missio Dei) in our neighborhoods and communities.

Art of the Start: Moving Pioneers from Dream to Discernment to Action – Dave Male – ROOM 308-310

Fresh expressions of church can often fall prey to one of two problems: starting too soon or never starting at all. Dave has started new forms of church, and coached others to do the same. This workshop will give you the clarity of purpose and actionable steps to get started

Church @ Rural: Understanding the Needs and Opportunities for Rural North America – Luke Edwards – ROOM – 302-306

Rural communities are more de-churched than we realize. Fresh expressions are emerging in rural areas but the process looks a little different than in suburban and urban places. In this workshop we’ll explore the unique characteristics of rural fresh expressions and the types of fresh expressions that are multiplying in this context.

Both/And: How Normal Churches Can Embrace Online and In-Person Worship at the Same Time – Jason Moore – 206

The onset of the global pandemic changed so much of what we’ve known ministry to be inside and outside the church. Social distancing, and non-physical gatherings brought new challenges where connection and relationship building are concerned. With so much ministry happening BOTH in the building AND online, how can we earn the second, third, and ongoing visits from those who are new to our faith communities? New strategies are required for living into what it means to be a hospitable church. In a season where everything feels different, how can we claim or reclaim a passion for radical hospitality, making great first impressions and work toward being poised for guests before they arrive?

Online ONLY

Innovation for Anyone: How Normal Leaders and Churches Can Become More Creative and Out-of-the-Box – Sarah Keasler

This workshop will help you understand the Design Thinking process, used by some of the world’s most innovative companies, and how you can adapt this process in order to experiment with fresh expressions in your context. We will give you a variety of tools for you to become an Anthropologist, using various research methods, to holistically understand the population you are trying to reach. Based on your research, we will teach you how to find trends that reveal key insights about the people you have been studying. We will touch on some helpful parameters for establishing a culture of prototyping your fresh expressions ideas that are birthed out of your trend analysis. We do all of this by asking the Holy Spirit to guide this process of innovation, and to reveal key insights about the people we are trying to reach and how a fresh expression of church can best meet their needs.

Dinner Church Basics: Organizational Tools to Get Started – Isaac Olivarez and Heather Evans

Dinner Church is a simple concept yet there are a lot of moving pieces. It requires organizing a team with hospitality in mind. Hospitality is a spiritual gift we must cultivate intentionality in a dinner church setting moving it from simply serving food to being a family table with mission and ministry at the core. Come and see how to introduce these values, concepts and practical tools that will keep your dinner church organized while remaining focused on the mission.